General terms
The general terms apply to the services provided by Free Mountains on their site:
Customers should get acquainted with them when using services from the website. Payment for services and application for participation means that customers are familiar with the general terms and accept them as valid.
Free Mountains is an association with registration in the town of Bansko, UIC 101672258 Manager: Georgi Georgiev.
The services offered by Free Mountains include courses, trainings, mountain, alpine and ski guidance on a pre-announced route in the mountains of Bulgaria and the world, equipment rental, publishing, etc.
Data confidentiality
Our privacy policy is in line with EU Regulation 2016/679 on personal data protection. Data processing complies with the Personal Data Protection Act and the Electronic Commerce Act.
By accepting the general conditions, the users of the services agree that their personal data will be processed by Free Mountains regarding the offered services.
Registration for participation is done through the contact form on the website of or by e-mail:
This is considered a pre-booking, which does not guarantee participation in the announced event.
Participation is guaranteed by payment and signing a contract. Upon enrollment, it is considered that the client is familiar with the general terms and accepts them. The contract can be concluded in electronic form by accepting the general terms on the site, when fulfilling the submission reservation form.
Payment and prices
Payment is made by bank transfer to the account of the Association:
DSK Bank
IBAN BG65STSA93000021500231
Free Mountains Association
The payment terms are mentioned in each program. The deposit is 50% of the total amount.
The cancellation of the services provided by the Association is made by the email on which the registration was made. If you cancel less than 7 days from the date of the program, the amount paid is not refundable.
7-15 days before the date 50% of the total amount paid is refunded.
15-30 days are refunded 30% of the total amount paid.
In case of cancellation of the program due to Covid-19 restrictions, the amount is refunded 100%.
In case of Covid/ quarantine of a client who has paid the amount for a service from the Association, the amount is refunded 100% upon submission of a document certifying this.
Final provisions
All issues not settled in the General Terms and Conditions are resolved by the provisions of the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria. All disputes regarding the implementation of the General Terms and Conditions shall be resolved by mutual consent of the parties. In case of disagreement, disputes are resolved by a competent court in Bulgaria.
The copyrights related to the content of the site (images, text elements, etc.) are property of Free Mountains.